Colección: Medium to Dark Roast Coffee, American Roasting Company

Discover the Medium to Dark Roast Coffee

  • Freshly Roasted Coffee:

    • Medium to dark roast, full-bodied, and naturally sun-cured.
    • Roasted only when you order, delivered within 7 days.
  • Flavor Profiles:

    • Medium Roast: Balanced with fruity, floral, and nutty notes; ideal for a smooth, satisfying cup.
    • Medium Dark Roast: Richer and bolder with a slightly sweet undertone, perfect for intense flavor lovers.
  • Versatile Brewing:

    • Adaptable to various methods: French press, pour-over, espresso, etc.
    • Consistent quality and flavor in every brew.
  • Key Differences:

    • Medium Roast: Highlights original bean flavors with a lighter taste.
    • Medium Dark Roast: Offers a heavier, caramelized profile.
  • Conclusion:

    •  Discover the rich and bold flavors of our medium roast coffee and medium to dark roast coffee. Perfectly balanced for a delightful coffee experience of coffees from around the world. Both roasts provide an exceptional coffee experience, catering to different taste preferences. Available in four cut choices and in K-cups in a select few coffee flavors.

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